Molokini Crater


A crescent-shaped islet off the coast of Maui, about 40% of the rim of an ancient volcano from a quarter million years ago, provides ideal scuba, snuba, snorkeling and free-diving conditions today. The islet is a bird sanctuary and the reef below the inner ring of the islet thrives with aquatic life. Humpback Whales pass nearby during their winter migration.

The crescent shape of the islet naturally shelters divers from waves and a wicked fast current in the Alalakeiki Channel. Folks must arrive by boat and the boat must tie up to one of the state-of-Hawaii provided moorings because it is illegal to drop anchor on the coral reef. Snorkel tour boats service Molokini Crater, so you can easily book an underwater adventure trip during your Maui vacation. Expect to see sea turtles, rays, members of more than 250 species of fish, and an occasional white tip shark during your dive in crystal-clear blue water.

If you really like seeing sea turtles in the water, consider going to Turtle Town in Maui. You can take a boat tour there, but perhaps you should drive to the public beach nearest to Turtle Town, like Maluaka Beach, with your snorkel gear and just get in the water. The sea turtles can be seen near to shore as well as further offshore over the reef. If you want to see dolphins while snorkeling, go to where they hang out. Drive to La Perouse Bay, south of Cape Kinau on an early morning. You may be able to work with a snorkel gear vendor there, but get help from your hotel to confirm that, if you don’t have your own gear.

You are fortunate to be able to vacation in Maui, to enjoy its stunning beauty on land and in the crystal blue water. Take a moment to thank God for his grace in your life. Nothing in your world and none of the precious moments in your life came to you be accident. Don’t assume that you made joy by your own hand. Show appreciation to one who watches over you and only ever wants you to be closer to him. For all the devotion that you show to God, he says that he will return greater to you. Web search the book of Luke 6:38 in the Christian Bible.

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