It’s About Survival and Learning to Combine My Passions


It’s been almost three years since I’ve posted an article here. So much has happened in that time. Let me tell you.
I published my book. In May 2017 it was published. I was proud of myself for the accomplishment and then it was over and life moved on.

In Oct 2017 Doug and I moved to Florida. We took my parents with us and moved 1000 miles away from our kids and grandkids. There were a lot of reasons why. Go read my article on detaching with love and you’ll have an idea of what was behind the move. Anyway, it was done. With the move came a lot of activity and business that lasted well over two years. Moving to a new state is a lot! And it took time to get acclimated. Heck I still am getting acclimated! Also in May of 2017 I started selling travel again. This is something I did for awhile back in 2007 and enjoyed very much. I was a Realtor for about 13 years and found it to be extremely stressful. I found travel to be very similar to Real Estate in so many ways; without all the stress.

So I had a new life, new home, new business and things were going very well. I love Florida and especially love the part of Florida we moved to. It’s in the Northeast part of the state. I researched and visited the place for a few years before deciding on it. Ya all know I wasn’t going back to Orlando! So, as I said, things were going well! In my travel business I specialize in cruising and living in Florida is great for that particular specialization! I also decided to start vlogging my personal cruises. To that end I started a YouTube channel. I’ve had the channel for about 4 years but have only gotten serious about it in the last year. I’m finally consistent in my uploads and I think I’m on my way to having some idea of what I’m doing! Haha

As you can see life has taken a turn from writing to travel. It’s not a bad thing, but I have had recent traumas in my life that have made me gravitate back towards my writing days. Mostly because they were also the most spiritual days of my life. The greatest trauma I experienced in 2019 was the very short (3 months) fierce battle my brother fought against pancreatic cancer and lost. That has rocked my world and caused a rift between me and God. My brothers passing occurred in June, June 21st to be exact, and for the last 6.5 months I’ve been drowning. I don’t know how else to describe it. But what I do know is this- it has to stop. I have to find my way back.

For some reason when I started my travel business I let go of my writing. I didn’t think the two could co-exist in my life. After my brothers passing and my inability to handle it well- I’ve come to the conclusion that they must learn to co-exist! I’ve reached the end of my rope here. I have no options left. Nothing is working to help dig myself out of this dark hole I’ve fallen into. And giving up my writing, because the content is not about my cruise business, well that just isn’t working for me anymore!

So here I am. Back at writing. I’m going to learn to combine my beliefs in gratitude, forgiveness, encouragement and the power of love with my love of cruising and vlogging! I’m hoping I’ll figure this out and somehow one love will support the other. Encouraging them to grow and enrich my life and maybe some one else along the way. I do not know what this all means. I do not know if it means I combine the two projects or if it means I use one to enhance the other! I just don’t know! But what I do know is there is nothing more spiritual, to me, than being on the ocean at sunrise. So that’s where I’ll start!

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Aircraft Structural Design

Successful aircraft design incorporates a finely balanced blend of high-tech materials, structural advances, and traditional design know-how. Aircraft shape is now optimized for all airframe components using computational fluid dynamics. Computational fluid dynamics can cut drag by several percent. The Airbus A380, for example, with its sheer scale, its double-decker […]
Aircraft Structural Design

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