Aviation History


Travel by airplane has a long and interesting history starting from the first commercial flight in 1933 on the modern airliner, Boeing 247. This important event made a definitive mark in the time line of aviation but was only one of many major accomplishments. The following will highlight a few […]

Aircraft and Aerospace Aluminum Alloys


Pure aluminum and pure magnesium are completely unsuitable as structural materials for airframes, because they have very low strength. However, when alloyed (chemically mixed) with each other or with other metals, their strength is vastly improved, and they form the most widely used group of airframe materials. Alloying metals include […]

Learn to Fly on Your Computer – RC Flight Simulator


Flying model aircraft via radio control (RC) has been a very popular hobby since the mid 1960s, with the advent of compact electronic radio control systems. However, in order to learn how to fly, all instruction had to be done with your model flying in the air. There was essentially […]

The Pros and Cons of Airline Travelling


There are already many modes of transportation in today’s highly modernized world. Aircrafts, ships, motorcycles, cars, trains, just name it and they are all readily available for your use. The development of this transportation vehicles began a long time ago and you can just imagine how creative and intelligent these […]

The History of Mattituck Airport


Located in the Town of Southold on Long Island’s North Fork, Mattituck Air Base (21N) is the area’s only privately owned, public-use airfield, occupying 18 acres and offering a single 2,200- by 60-foot asphalt runway-in this case, 1/19. Approaches to the first of the two magnetic headings are conducted over […]

The Four W’s of Aviation Radio Communications


What’s the hardest part about pilot training? Almost everyone will say, “Talking on the radio.” However, even beginners can sound good on the radio if they apply some simple rules. I’ll first discuss those rules and then give some tips all pilots can use to improve their radio skills. The […]

A History of Convair 880 and 990 Aircraft Accidents


Although the Convair 880’s and 990’s accident history can be considered extensive, especially in ratio to the number that entered service, several aspects should be considered. In the 15-year period between 1960, the type’s year of service entry, to 1974, there were seven fatal mishaps. Four included the CV-990A, whose […]