Navigating Russia Electronic Visas Demystified for Foreigners


Russia, with its rich history, cultural heritage, and breathtaking landscapes, beckons travelers from around the globe. However, for foreigners seeking to explore this vast country, the visa application process has traditionally been perceived as complex and time-consuming. With the introduction of electronic visas for Russia, a new era of accessibility […]

Australia Travel Insurance


Travel insurance is almost mandatory in today’s climate. Medical bills can soar, costly equipment and baggage can get lost or stolen, and travel arrangements can get altered or cancelled without sufficient notice. CGU Travel Insurance has developed a comprehensive policy to cover a traveler for almost any mishap that could […]

The Griffith Observatory


The Griffith Observatory- It all started with a wonderful man, Griffith J. Griffith. An exquisite building that allures the beauty of the stars to the Earth, sits on Mount Hollywood and is fully owned and managed by the City of Los Angeles. The unique appearance of the Griffith bservatory has […]

Why is Namibia Never in the News?


Read the following: Food Crisis in Niger, AIDS in Uganda, Somali Journalists Are Assaulted and Jailed, Shaky Rule in Madagascar Threatens Tress. These are the top New York Times news headlines for Africa. Pretty depressing huh? Did you notice that none of them are about Namibia? So why is Namibia […]

Traveling is Fun


People all over the world love to travel. People travel for various purposes like business, leisure, education or recreational purposes. Traveling has become a part of people’s life and there is no life without traveling. Going to work everyday is also traveling. Traveling helps us to learn a lot. When […]

Botswana – Perfect Country For Safari Adventures


If you are looking for an amazing African vacation try a Botswana Safari Holiday. The wildlife and landscape of this African country are simply awe inspiring. Watching wildlife safari on The Discovery Channel or on National Geographic is one thing, nice but ho hum. Seeing it with your own eyes, […]