Rick and Morty: 10 Best Rick Quotes in Animation


Rick and Morty: Since its debut episode, the animation Rick and Morty has gained fans around the world for its acid, sarcastic and unusual humor. Much of this comes from Rick, the genius drunken scientist who takes his grandson, Morty, out of school for interdimensional adventures.

To remember his best moments, we’ve separated here some of the most iconic phrases ever said by the character.

See what Rick’s 10 best quotes in the animation were:

10. “Hey Muchach’o, does your planet have cleaning products or are you guys going to freak out and start worshiping us?”

In the Season 2 episode “Look Who’s Purging Now”, the two characters crash the ship into an insect that litters the entire surface. Rick tries to clean it up, but it only makes the situation worse and the two need to find a cleaning product on a nearby planet. The episode is a reference to the movie One Night of Crime and a fan favorite!

9. “I don’t do sequels. This is called integrity”

The iconic phrase shows Rick’s acid character, always making fun of big movies and television series. In “Promortyus,” Rick makes it clear that they don’t go back to places they’ve been because sequels never work – and, of course, he doesn’t want to see all the destruction the two leave in places.

8. “I wouldn’t lie to you. Well… That’s a lie”

This is, without a doubt, one of the phrases we can identify with most from Rick and Morty, isn’t it? Out of the “Mortyplicity” episode, the phrase is Rick’s justification for Morty’s question about them being out of town.

7. “If you spend the day talking random words, you can make anything sound bad, Morty”

The quote is an answer to Morty’s question: “Did you sell a gun to an assassin just because you wanted to play video games?” In this case, the words actually sound pretty bad and not just a random choice, but they undoubtedly yielded a good laugh.

6. “I’m not a beaver who believes in Jesus Christ, Morty… But yes, it’s a Narnia thing”

In the episode “Mort Dinner Rick Andre”, time seems faster after they travel through a wine portal. The allegory is a reference to the film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Wardrobe and the Witch, in which the characters travel to the magical country through a closet.

5. “I don’t like being told where to go or what to do. This is a violation. Did you stuff all these seeds up your ass?”

The first episode of Rick and Morty begins with an adventure, with Rick taking his grandson out of school for an adventure. The two cannot return to their home even after obtaining giant seeds and end up in a special organization. Morty needs to hide the seeds and, as they say, the rest is history.

4. “That’s right, rogue. It’s the prestige! You have honored yourself”

In Season 4, the episode “The Vat of Acid” is a fan favorite and shows Morty imposing himself, which is an unusual change to the dynamics of animation. However, Rick doesn’t let things “go by” and he spends the entire episode planning a revenge that literally blows up in Morty’s face.

3. “There’s a lesson here, but I’m not the one who will understand”

Season 4’s first episode follows Morty as he tries to see his future in a crystal of death. Rick is forced to reincarnate in multiple dimensions until he finally manages to return home and save the day. What did they learn from this? Well, we’re not the ones to understand.

2. “I don’t discuss problems, I set them on fire”

I wish things were that simple! In the episode “Star Mort: Rickturn of The Jerri”, Rick creates mechanisms that shoot fire through voice commands. Simpler than therapy and characteristic of how Rick handles all his problems.

1. “But that’s it: I’m not a man. I’m God. You were made in my image”

Lastly, we couldn’t leave Rick’s God complex out. The phrase came out of the episode “Mortyplicity” and reinforces the scientist’s ego. After all, he’s always calling himself “genius” and “the smartest man in the galaxy.”

So, which of these Rick and Morty quotes is your favorite? Leave your comment below and share the list on social media!

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