Jersey – Channel Islands


Jersey is the largest and southernmost of the Channel Islands, approximately 87 nautical miles south of Great Britain. Due to it’s proximity to Continental Europe, it showcases the best from both sides of the English Channel. A small island like Jersey is ideal for short trips but it is enchanting […]

Satellite TV 101 – What You Need to Know


Satellite television is the latest technology to take over the television broadcasting industry. While satellite television may sound complicated it is really easy to understand. How Satellite Works Satellite television is a great concept. Television signals are broadcast and sent to satellites that are orbiting earth. The satellites then transmit […]

Rediscovering Radio with Satellite


It’s been many generations now since radio was born. A crackling signal carrying serial dramas and comedies, news, and live concerts entered the living rooms of families across the globe in the early days. Later, the enjoyment of music and talk could be enjoyed on portable transistor and car radios […]

Dish Network Satellite TV Programming Guide


DISH Network currently offers five programming packages: DishFAMILY The DishFAMILY programming package is DISH Network’s lowest priced package. This family-oriented package is $19.95 per month for 40 channels. Some of the channels in this package are: Animal Planet, Biography Channel, Bloomberg Television, Boomerang, CNN Headline News, Discovery Kids, DIY, Food […]

Explorers on Cassadaga Creek


The map showed a squiggly blue line for Cassadaga Creek. This could either be good news, portending an intriguing paddle down a twisting waterway. Or, it could be a sign of logjams, with trees, washed by spring floods, piled at each bend in the creek. Luckily for my husband and […]

Bridges of Japan


We sometimes forget that Japan is a nation of islands. In Japan, they have taken bridge building to another level, connecting islands and this island nation providing an infrastructure second to none. Many of Japan’s most well known bridges connect Shikoku Island to Honshu Island. Ohnaruto Bridge is part of the Kobe-Awaji […]

Family Discount Cruises, Fact or Fiction?


Many people believe Family Discount Cruises are nothing more than a myth. This group tends to be more likely the inexperienced, infrequent traveler. If you are interested in booking a family vacation cruise you should disregard this popular myth. Believing that family discount cruises do not exist could cost you […]